Košarkar Uniona Olimpije na obisku

V bolnišnici me je obiskal košarkar Cedric Jakson. V Ljubljani je že 2 meseca, pred tem je igral v Novi Zelandiji 2 leti.

Jakson je član Košarkarskega kluba Olimpija. Ima 27 let, visok je 191 cm. V NBA je igral skoraj celo sezono v moštvu Cleveland Cavaliers. Sezono je končal s klubom Washington Wizards. Rekel je, da je v NBA lahko delal, kar je hotel, najpomembnejši pa so mu bili treningi. Igral je tudi z LeBronom Jamesom. Klub v NBA je imel svoje letalo, na katerem so lahko jedli, kar so si zaželeli, in gledali TV, zato se je hotel vrniti.

V Evropi je bil zanj izziv, da se je naučil evropskih mer, posebej pretvarjanja dolžinskih mer.

Jakson rad kuha, vse si zna narediti sam. Obožuje purana, posebej pečenega. V prostem času igra Playstation 3 s svojimi prijatelji.


Obiska sem bil zelo vesel in z Jaksonom sem se tudi fotografiral.  

S košarkarjem sem se pogovarjal v angleščini in naredil tudi prevod svojega prispevka.


Basketball player from basketball club Union Olimpija on visit 

Basketball player Cedric Jackson visited me at the hospital.  He has been playing basketball in Ljubljana for two months; before that he was in New Zealand for two years.

Jackson is a basketball player with the Slovenian basketball club Union Olimpija. He’s 191 cm and 27 years old. During his basketball career, he played in the U. S. NBA league for almost one season with the Cleveland Cavaliers.  He ended the season with the Washington Wizards. He said that in the NBA, he could relax and do everything he wanted, but training was the most important.

Jackson played with LeBron James. They had their own plane where they could eat whatever they wanted and could watch TV. He wants to go back to the NBA.

It was a challenge for Jackson to adapt to European measurement units, in particular changing feet to centimeters and vice versa.

Jackson loves cooking and knows how to cook everything by himself. He loves turkey, especially  roasted turkey. In his spare time, Jackson enjoys playing Playstation 3 with his friends. Some of his best games are Call of Duty,Assassin’s Creed, and Grand Theft Auto 5.

I had a photo taken with him; I was so happy about the visit. 

Andor Palkovics, 9.r.